
Building Trust for Global Solutions

Hey.. Had this discussion with a friend here in Uganda recently, and thought it beneficial to share..

The world we live in today is becoming a well defined mosaic of life; diversity resplendently expressing itself as it paints an intricate portrait of the larger picture of the world on an open, boundless canvas. Each culture, each community, each individual expressing different views of the workings of life and the world, but what one can notice, if one searches that there are vast underlining meaning and shared realities that connect all our hearts as one.

Looking into religion. The world has become so divided, each religion pushing for its' place on a global scale, spreading messages to gain entitlement in their own mission, ideology and purpose. Dogma and tradition have divided humanity so much that it makes the purpose of religion—the unification of mankind and looking out for our brothers and sisters—extremely obsolete and non-existent. Each one so blinded by the institution that they have conformed to, and what it means on a surface level to be part of that institution, forgetting more on the real lessons and guides of action that they are grounded in that can connect us all. Religion is a personal search for ultimate truth, rather then a blind following of the masses to interpretations laid out by individuals claiming to have a higher connection to this ultimate truth. People are so forceful on defining themselves in a predetermined box, that it hinders the development of a world where we see the shared similarities existing between the human fabric of mankind, and see rather the world from a much narrower view, a view of division and segregation from one another. In the search for this personal truth, one can see that all paths lead to the same ultimate reality, yet the majority of these paths are so reinforced by giant walls and barbed wire, that people lack seeing that they all run parallel to one another. If tradition and dogma could be looked beyond I think so many of the worlds problems could be solved in collaboration. The majority of the west has come to see Islam solely as a radical, fanatical religion, with people who don't value life and seek to terrorize the world. This drives me wild, as Islam is a faith of peace, grounded again on global collaboration and ultimate peace building and unity. Evangelical Christians are just as fanatical as Muslim extremists, yet the world has not come to generalize Christianity in the same light. Religion should be done away with if the truth of it is to be consistently covered over by surface level identity.

Of most importance is personal investigation and personal initiative to wholeheartedly embrace ourselves in a light that empowers us to grow both spiritually and mentally in understanding both the falsity of many of the thoughts that our minds stir up about ourselves and others, and to allow these thoughts to dissipate through remaining connected to a state of higher consciousness that exists in and around ourselves right here, right now.

Judgment, an a aspect of the human reality, direly needs to change. There exists so much judgment in the world, and at the onset of seeing something negative or bad in someone, we ultimately place judgment on people and further the divide of collaborating and building global trust. Looking and focusing on the goodness of people is what truly matters. Negativity and bad things exist in all people, but if they are not on a level that significantly impacts others lives and wellbeing, then why do they matter? They are insignificant. What is of the greatest importance are the amazing qualities that exist in peoples hearts, and there are many. We must become grounded in seeing the goodness of others and embracing the goodness of ourselves. We will always have things we want to change in our life and about ourselves. An approach for doing this is noticing the good things that are going on in yourself and in your life and putting full energy into fostering their growth. The growth of these attributes inevitably will lead to the things you want to change about yourself, to do just that, change. This approach embraces the beauty, letting the light grow. “Even the smallest candle brings light to any darkness.” Imagine if that candle turned into a giant bonfire, fueled by a positive drive to see the goodness in yourself and others. Before you know it the darkness is less visible, and the bright light of yourself and others is what you begin to focus on. This is not the ego, as this is grounded in truth and humbleness. The ego is a product of the mind. This positive progression is solely an expression and revelation of the heart, which is who we truly are as humans. The mind will continuously confuse us and create internal chaos. With our heart as the compass of our lives, deep intuition leads our life on a much more truthful path, clear to what directions our lives are headed and what we need to do to progress together, in oneness. With the heart strong, it begins to influence thoughts and puts up an ever expanding filter that begins to purify our thoughts, speeding up the time it takes to get over negative things in our lives and returning our intentions and focus to the positive--grass is greener right where I am--side of life. The ending of judgment of others and ourselves, as well as the focus on revealing the positive attributes of others and ourselves rather then focusing on the negative is deeply essential. We can have the most sustainable, holistic approaches to solving the worlds' problems, but if trust in our fellow (wo)man is not present, it won't matter how smart and strategic our plans are. It is my view that lack of true trust building is one of the key root problems to the current global strife.

Nature, the world, its’ people, exist in so much beauty. We taint this beauty by our narrow views, our judgment, our own personal lens’. We must broaden our lens’ to see the truth in ourselves, others and the world around us. If we are to forge global solutions, it is essential that we find foundations in an approach grounded in trust building and opening our perception to the real world around us.

Hope you are all well..
Much love

1 comment:

Mikhail Wierenga said...

Ty-guy! I finally had a chance to read your blog. So very genuine, so very Tyler.

I'm not sure what your internet connection is like, but if you get a chance check out Eve Ensler's talk about security on the TED.com website (The first three and a half minutes particularly). It reminded me a lot of what your writing about.


Love the love. Keep it coming!