This is a day of beauty. One where the world looks a brighter place. Blazened with the joy of humanities new breath, people look to one another for a shared expression of what we are all longing for in our hearts; Love. Opening hearts to one another, rebuilding trust between people, families, communities, and Countries, is the only inevitable possibility for humanity to move towards. How long now have we been digressing and putting this planet in peril; war, disease, poverty, HIV, Gender violence, climate change, mass environmental pollution and degradation. This is no longer something we can leave in the hands of governments and organizations to solve. These issues take a global initiative. One where people place power back in themselves, get over the giant list of differences that separate us apart and seek to distance us, and look to the similarities upon the horizon that we all share. The blatant truth is that humanity is truly at a pinnacle point. A point where climate change is already heavily underway, the planet has passed its’ carrying capacity and multiple economic, political, and social issues are on the rise.
All things return to the goodness in ones heart. This is one thing all of humanity shares, deep down we are all inherently good. We all came into this world pure hearted. We must believe in our hearts that we can work towards this state again. Deep within our hearts and minds we each have the conscious intuitive choice that needs to be listened to more often. An intuition that if we shared our hearts more often and opened our eyes to shared experiences and similarities as citizens of (wo)mankind, we would develop lasting solutions collectively.
Shared love starts with a seed. A shared smile upon passing someone, the heightened energy exchange, only to continue on through another shared smile with another. These subtle exchanges of open expression are boundless in their chain reaction impact. Trickling through person after person like a free flowing stream. One thing I have come to love in Uganda (is similar in India) is how men will hold hands with male friends, and the same goes for women. It is something so nice to see; this very simplistic approach to heightening connection between one another.
We must foster this new age of love today. In the long run it is all that truly matters, and a lasting thing we can leave behind for the new generations of humanity to come. These planted seeds of small scale open expression, sprout into trees of hope, deep, strong roots strengthening the ties that connect our hearts, our minds, our actions. From these trees bear fruit of the sweetest essence of potential; a potential so bountiful, it feeds the hearts of all of humanity. The more trees of hope that are planted, the more fruit that is shared within humanity, only to further plant the seeds for future trees to continue to expand through mankind; a forest of love and hope replanting across the globe.
Today, if you are reading this, reflect on what is needed in humanity, and what approaches we can take to further foster love.
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